Star Dust
September 25, 1992
Animation, Science Fiction
In 2061 CE, humanity's indiscriminate pollution of space has substantially hindered the development of space travel. In response, an international federation has designated the sun as a natural incinerator, federally establishing a treaty with the goal of first processing hazardous waste on Jupiter and forming the space environment defense force Cosmo Ecology. However, polluters evading surveillance networks continue to illegally dispose of radioactive waste directly into the sun. As a result, increased solar flare activity is on the verge of turning the Earth into a desert.
Featured Crew
Ichiro Itano
Ichiro Itano
Ichiro Itano
Original Concept
Taiki Matsuno
Tsutomu Saki (voice)
Kazuki Yao
Robert Ryan (voice)
Yuji Mitsuya
Dennis Brown (voice)
Nozomu Sasaki
Jet Mars (voice)
Hidetoshi Nakamura
Ray Fox (voice)