Men of the Underworld: Final Chapter
November 24, 2016
The finale of a 6-part series. Finally, the time has come for the election of the chairman at the WRC executive meeting. Chairman Umehara (Ozawa Hitoshi) was thought to be the sure candidate, but Vice Chairman Konno (Noguchi Masahiro) puts his name forward as a candidate for the position in a surprise move. Chairman Tamura (Sugata Shun) is arrested, but is released by Inspector Sano (Fukimizu Sansho) and sets out to assassinate Umehara. Meanwhile Tadano (Namioka Kazuki) has uncovered the entire truth about his assignment into the WRC, the "accident", and must ask himself: What is loyalty, when your "allies" use you and your "enemies" protect you? A bloody finale ensues!
Featured Crew
Hitoshi Ozawa
Hitoshi Ozawa