Dr. Slump and Arale-chan: Hoyoyo!! Follow the Rescued Shark...
March 12, 1994
Comedy, Animation
While at the beach Arale Norimaki rescues a shark. In return, the shark invites her and the rest of the Norimaki to their underwater city. Meanwhile, Suppaman intends to follow them and get revenge. While in the city, Arale meets Urashima Tarō, who joins Arale while playing at the amusement park.
Featured Crew
Akio Katada
Key Animation
Nobuyoshi Hoshikawa
Key Animation
Mitsuru Aoyama
Key Animation
Kenji Utsumi
Senbei Norimaki (voice)
Mami Koyama
Arale Norimaki (voice)
Naokazu Adachi
Taro Urashima (voice)
Wakako Shimazaki
Mermaid Queen / Obotchaman (voice)