Story of San Michele Poster

Story of San Michele

40.00% | September 28, 1962 | History, Drama

A biographical drama is based on the 1929 autobiography of Swedish doctor Axel Martin Fredrik, The Story of San Michele. It follows the physician, psychiatrist, and adventurer as he travels the distances from Lapland to his Villa San Michele on Capri, with special stops in Paris and Rome. Personal physician to Queen Victoria, also physician to the Swedish royal family (he spent his last years living in the Royal Palace in Sweden), "Axel Munthe" knew everyone from the poorest clients to the most well-endowed. His love of animals, his support of bird sanctuaries, his involvement with architecture as he constructs his impressive villa throughout five summers, and his interests in archaeology and hypnotism are all explored.

Featured Crew

Rudolf Jugert
Artur Brauner
Hans Jacoby


O.W. Fischer
O.W. Fischer
Axel Munthe
Sonja Ziemann
Sonja Ziemann
Prinzessin Clementine
Valentina Cortese
Valentina Cortese
Eleonora Duse
