Unfair: the end
September 5, 2015
Action, Thriller, Mystery
Natsumi Yukihira (Ryoko Shinohara) receives secret documents of an organization that controls the country from the shadows. Because of this, Natsumi's ex-husband, Kazuo Sato (Teruyuki Kagawa) pays a terrible price. Natsumi goes back to the Investigation #1 of Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department to take on the organization, but Natsumi becomes involved in a new case. She gets closer to the final enemy.
Featured Crew
Shimako Sato
Takehiko Hata
Norihito Sumitomo
Ryoko Shinohara
Natsumi Yukihira
Koichi Sato
Michitaka Ichijo
Kento Nagayama
Naoki Tsushima
Sadawo Abe
Yuji Kokubo
Masaya Katô
Kaoru Mikami