Koro-sensei Q!
November 19, 2016
Animation, Comedy
In the alternate universe set in an RPG world, the students of Kunugigaoka Junior High School are heroes under training and students of Class 3-E are those with bug, making them weaker than other heroes. They ae tasked a defeat Koro-sensei, a Demon King who intentionally teaches them so they can defeat him one day.
Featured Crew
Yūsei Matsui
Original Series Creator
Yoshihito Nishouji
Naoki Sato
Jun Fukuyama
Koro-sensei (Main Character)
Mai Fuchigami
Nagisa Shiota (Main Character)
Nobuhiko Okamoto
Karma Akabane
Ryota Osaka
Yuma Isogai
Shizuka Itoh
Irina Jelavic