March 20, 1999
Animation, Action, Science Fiction
In 2100, the newly built Bayside City serves as Japan's premier international port. The Angel Arms Company is established by a former policewoman named Takako, to help wage war on terrorism with armed security suits. When the mayor is assassinated, the women of Angel Arms end up protecting the evil crime-lord Hassan, in hopes that his information will help bring down a global terror ring. Takako's back is to the wall as a band of criminals plot to kill Hassan, and the organization's leader is revealed to be the former lover of Angel Arms' own Alisa.
Featured Crew
Katsuyoshi Yatabe
Akira Amasawa
Katsuyuki Tamura
Key Animation
Akemi Okamura
Marcia Asano
Akira Ishida
Ryo Saiki
Aruno Tahara
Mayor Won
Chikahachi Tsuji
Inspector Endo
Hiroshi Naka