Fate/Grand Order: Himuro no Tenchi - 7-nin no Saikyou Ijin-hen
December 31, 2017
Animation, Comedy
The story follows three girls — Kaede Makidera, Kane Himuro, and Yukika Saegusa — at Homurahara Academy, but has nothing to do with the efforts to restore the Human Order.
Featured Crew
Eiichiro Mashin
Original Story
Eiichiro Mashin
Character Designer
Kaori Endo
Character Designer
Rie Nakagawa
Kane Himuro (voice)
Michiru Yuimoto
Kaede Makidera (voice)
Eri Nakao
Yukika Saegusa (voice)
Nobunaga Shimazaki
Ritsuka Fujimaru (voice)
Rie Takahashi
Mash Kyrielight (voice)