October 1, 1999
"Buddy" tells the compelling story of the legendary rocker Buddy Holly and the three years in which he became the world's top recording artist. The show features over 20 of his greatest hits including "Peggy Sue", "That'll Be The Day", "Oh Boy", "Heartbeat", "Maybe Baby", "Rave On" and "Everyday," and end with the fantastic 'Winter Dance Party' at Clear Lake, Iowa, where Buddy is joined on stage by the large-than-life Big Bopper ("Chantilly Lace") and pelvis thrusting Ritchie Valens ("La Bamba"). Filmed especially for DVD at the Novello Theatre in London's West End
Featured Crew
Bill Butler
Costume Design
Graham McLusky
Lighting Design
Alan James
Angus MacGregor
Buddy Holly
Guy James
Jerry Allison
Stephen Pallister
Joe B. Mauldin
Peter Alexander
Hipockets Duncan
David Allman
Norman Petty