Marcel the Shell with Shoes On
June 24, 2022
Animation, Comedy, Drama, Family
Marcel is an adorable one-inch-tall shell who ekes out a colorful existence with his grandmother Connie and their pet lint, Alan. Once part of a sprawling community of shells, they now live alone as the sole survivors of a mysterious tragedy. When a documentarian discovers them amongst the clutter of his Airbnb, his resulting short film brings Marcel millions of passionate fans, as well as unprecedented dangers and a new hope at finding his long-lost family.
Featured Crew
Kirsten Lepore
Animation Director
Pete Levin
Animation Director
Dean Fleischer Camp
Jenny Slate
Marcel (voice)
Dean Fleischer Camp
Isabella Rossellini
Connie (voice)
Joe Gabler
Haysack Rep
Shari Finkelstein
60 Minutes Producer