Po własnym pogrzebie
May 13, 1992
War, TV Movie, Drama
The film is a continuation of the 1984 film I died to live. Leopold Wójcik, faking his own death, returns to the underground. Unlike the previous part, the fate of the heroes is a fiction - a variant of events that could have taken place. The film had a sequel: Born for the Third Time (1989).
Featured Crew
Tadeusz Lampka
Production Manager
Zenon Różewicz
Production Design
Hanna Morawiecka
Costume Design

Anna Ciepielewska
Maria Wójcikowa, matka Leopolda

Andrzej Grabarczyk
Leopold Wójcik

Bronisław Pawlik
Zygmunt Bruzda, ojciec zmarłego Krzysztofa

Janusz Bukowski
Wróbel, major AK

Marek Kondrat
łącznik ze Lwowa