Assi Nortia
Assi Nortia (Ida Astrid Sarmas, formerly Karjalainen, born Feldmann; 2 September 1925 Vyborg - January 16, 1989 Tampere) was a Finnish actress. Nortia studied at the Sibelius Academy and the Finnish Film Industry Film School in 1943-1945. As an affiliated actress of SF, he worked in 1943–1947. After that he worked in the choir of the Finnish Opera in 1949-1953. Nortia also starred in a number of films from 1944 to 1961, often in the role of a dancer, such as in the movie Night of Rio and Muhos Mimmi. In the minds of the Finns, he remained a dark-haired, exotic beautiful dancer-actress. Nortia gave the soul to a coffee maker named Beautiful Veera. In Finland's first full-length color film, Juhani Aho, based on the classic theme, he played Anja. Nortia was married twice and has two children: Juha Matti Karjalainen (1946) and Sari Anneli Sarmas (1964). From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Known For
- 1961 · Tyttö ja hattu as Donna Elvira
- 1960 · Kankkulan kaivolla as Elli
- 1959 · Kovaa peliä Pohjolassa as
- 1958 · Pekka ja Pätkä Suezilla as Suleima
- 1958 · Kulkurin masurkka as Nina
- 1956 · Juha as Anja
- 1955 · Veteraanin voitto as Aili
- 1953 · Rantasalmen sulttaani as Carmen Manzano
- 1952 · Salakuljettajan laulu as Leila Laine
- 1952 · Muhoksen Mimmi as Dolores Ramonez
- 1952 · Mitäs me taiteilijat as Sylvia
- 1952 · Jees, olympialaiset, sanoi Ryhmy as Delila Tamm
- 1951 · Tytön huivi as Marketta
- 1951 · Rion yö as Carmen Conchita
- 1950 · Kaunis Veera eli ballaadi Saimaalta as Veera
- 1946 · Nuoruus sumussa as Inga Fridell
- 1945 · Suomisen Olli yllättää as Kirre
- 1944 · Anja tule kotiin as Maiju Miettinen
- 1944 · Miesmalli as Leila