Magda Vášáryová
Magda (Magdaléna) Vášáryová (* August 26, 1948, Banská Štiavnica) is a Slovak politician and former actress and diplomat. Since 2006, she has been a member of the National Council of the Slovak Republic for SDKÚ-DS. On 12 December 2013, she resigned from the party and until the start of the so-called The third government of Robert Fico (2016) worked in the National Council of the Slovak Republic as a non-attached member of parliament. She began her successful acting career as a 15-year-old in the film Senzi Mama (1964). From 1966 to 1971 she studied sociology at the Faculty of Arts of Comenius University in Bratislava. Since 1970 she has worked as an actress in the Korze Theater, the New Stage (1971 - 1983) and in the Slovak National Theater (1983 - 1990). She is the author of book memoirs about Banská Štiavnica Short Letters to a Town (1988). In 1988 she was awarded the title of Merited Artist. From 1990 to 1993, she served as the Czech-Slovak ambassador to Austria. During the diplomatic mission, she lived with her daughters in Vienna while her husband stayed in Bratislava. While they provide wife support for diplomats, Vášáryová, as a diplomat, did not receive compensation for the diplomat's non-working wife. Václav Havel and Jiří Dienstbier enforced her compensation payment. On May 3, 1993, she organized a meeting at home, where the Slovak Society for Foreign Policy (SFPA) began to form. From 1993 to 2000, she was its director. In 2020, she is the Honorary Chair of the SFPA Board. In 1998, she founded Občianske oko. In the 1999 elections, she ran as an independent candidate for the post of President of Slovakia. She won 194,635 votes, 6.6%, in the election. She did not make it to the second round. She announced her candidacy in February 1999 in Banská Bystrica. She wanted to confirm the changes in 1989 and 1998. She was the first woman in Slovakia to run for president. From 2000 to 2005, she served as Slovakia's ambassador to Poland. Its predecessor was Ondrej Nemčok and his successor was František Ružička. Since February 21, 2005, she has held the position of State Secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Slovak Republic in the second government of Mikuláš Dzurinda. In the summer of 2005, she joined the SDKÚ. On 12 December 2013, together with Lucia Žitňanská and Miroslav Beblavý, she resigned from SDKÚ-DS. Since November 15, 2013, she has been the president of the Živena association. Her goals after the election were “I still have three goals within Živena. One of them is, in particular, the modernization of communication, the addition of a membership base, and I would also like to raise more money in more modern ways, for example in the form of grants. " Her predecessor was Zora Breier. In 2016, she did not run for parliament again. In addition to Živena, she also led the Institute for Cultural Policy. He also teaches at the CEVRO INSTITUTE in the Czech Republic. In 2016, The Prague Society for International Cooperation awarded her the Hanno R. Ellenbogen Prize for Civil Service and the Lifelong Fight against Corruption. Sister of the actress Emilie Vášáryová. The first husband was the actor Dušan Jamrich. The second husband is Milan Lasica. He has two daughters.
Known For
- 2021 · Bratislavské pondelky as Self
- 2016 · To Make a Comedy Is No Fun as Self
- 2015 · Film Adventurer Karel Zeman as Self
- 2013 · Prvá as
- 1991 · Private Lives as
- 1989 · Staroružová dráma as
- 1989 · Pani Berta Garlanová as
- 1988 · The World Knows Nothing as Jirina
- 1988 · Eugene Onegin as Tatyana(as Magdalena Vasaryova)
- 1988 · The Southern Mail as Mária Jurkovičová
- 1988 · Košatý strom plný pozorných očí as
- 1988 · Šesťkrát žena as
- 1987 · Lion with a White Mane as Marie Calma
- 1987 · Fair Play as Tereza
- 1987 · The Great Movie Robbery as
- 1986 · Silent Joy as Soňa
- 1986 · Elizabeth's Court as Celesta de Liess rod. Fabici
- 1985 · Noc smaragdového měsíce as Slávka
- 1985 · Werther as Sophie
- 1985 · Die Nacht aus Blei as Blonde Lady
- 1985 · Varič as
- 1984 · The Physician of a Dying Time as Floro (voice)
- 1983 · Cesta na krvavé pole as
- 1983 · Zuzana Vojířová as Zuzana Vojířová
- 1983 · Malvína z Bretónska as
- 1982 · The Turn of the Screw as Governess (acting)
- 1981 · Cutting It Short as Maryška
- 1980 · Dark Sun as Kris
- 1980 · Dnes platí regulačný stupeň č. 6 as
- 1980 · Jennie Gerhardtová as
- 1980 · Nečakaná návšteva as Emma
- 1980 · Horacius as Kamila
- 1980 · Faidra as Aríkia
- 1979 · Pustý dvor as
- 1979 · Dobrí ľudia ešte žijú as Oľga
- 1979 · Ťaví zadok as Betty Medillová
- 1979 · Záhradníkov pes as Marcela
- 1979 · Uzlíky nádeje as
- 1978 · Rusalka as Rusalka
- 1978 · Biela stužka v tvojich vlasoch as Bernátová (voice)
- 1978 · Krutá ľúbosť as
- 1978 · Sesternica Beta as
- 1978 · Parížsky život as Kristína
- 1978 · Elektra as
- 1978 · Listy Juliane as
- 1978 · Rozvedená as Ružena
- 1977 · Second Love as Antónia
- 1977 · Concert for the survivors as Jana Varajová (voice)
- 1976 · Čudný človek as
- 1976 · Zenovo vedomie as
- 1976 · Dni Turbinovcov as
- 1976 · Posledný pohárik as
- 1976 · Hurá na letný byt as
- 1976 · Demeterovci as Žofka
- 1976 · Tetované časom as Anita (voice)
- 1975 · Blízki cudzí ľudia as
- 1975 · Vivat Beňovský! as
- 1975 · Hodina úsvitu as
- 1974 · The Elective Affinities as Ottilie
- 1974 · Deň slnovratu as
- 1974 · Skrytý prameň as
- 1974 · Straty a nálezy as
- 1974 · Netrpezlivosť srdca as
- 1973 · Za frontom as Anica Benková
- 1973 · Andrea as
- 1973 · Ako ostrihať manžela as Adrienne
- 1973 · Doktor as
- 1973 · Statky zmätky as
- 1972 · Apollón z Bellacu as
- 1972 · And Give My Love to the Swallows as Maruška Kudeříková
- 1972 · Záveje as
- 1971 · Úklady a láska as
- 1971 · Prince Bajaja as Princess Slavěna
- 1971 · Hry lásky šálivé as
- 1971 · Granny as Hortensie
- 1971 · Taký obyčajný deň as
- 1971 · Radúz a Mahulena as Mahulena
- 1971 · Ľahučký dych as
- 1970 · On the Comet as Angelika, dívka z Valencie
- 1969 · The Royal Chase as Jeune Marthe
- 1969 · Birds, Orphans and Fools as Marta
- 1968 · The Deserter and the Nomads as Dominika (segment "Dominika")
- 1968 · The Sweet Time of Kalimagdora as Kalimagdora
- 1968 · Rok na dedine as (uncredited)
- 1968 · Môj vienok zelený as
- 1967 · Marketa Lazarová as Marketa Lazarová, Lazar's daughter
- 1967 · A Gentle Spirit as
- 1965 · Senzi mama as