February 13, 2022
Crime, Drama
The six-part series follows journalist Hannis Martinsson (Ulrich Thomsen), who unexpectedly receives a message from Sonja, a young Faroese woman who claims she is Hannis' daughter and that her life is in danger. Reluctantly returning home to the Faroes to investigate, Hannis discovers Sonja's body in the bloody waters of a whale hunt. His search for answers soon brings him into conflict with the local detective chief inspector, Karla Mohr (Maria Rich; `Follow the Money') as he uncovers a web of secrets in the close-knit community - but how far is he willing to go to learn the truth
Torfinnur Jákupsson
Jógvan Isaksen
Ria Tórgarð
Chief Medical Officer
Dánjal á Neystabø
Páll Hansen
Ulrich Thomsen
Hannios Martinsson
Maria Rich
DCI Karla Mohr
Olaf Johannessen
Ragnar í Rong