Ika-5 Utos
September 10, 2018
Crime, Drama, Family
The story revolves around Eloisa, who had a perfect life with a successful and loving husband, two wonderful children, and supportive friends. However, her life takes a dramatic turn when her friend Clarisse betrays her, leading to a series of tragic events. As Eloisa’s world crumbles, she seeks refuge with Kelly to rebuild her life. Despite her efforts to move on, Eloisa finds herself haunted by the consequences of Clarisse’s actions.
Suzette Doctolero
Jean Garcia
Eloisa Vallejo-Lorenzo
Valerie Concepcion
Clarisse Alfonso-Buenaventura
Gelli De Belen
Kelly San Diego-Manupil
Jeric Gonzales
Brix Lorenzo
Tonton Gutierrez
Emil Buenaventura