The Interpreter of Silence

The Interpreter of Silence

70.00% | November 15, 2023 | Drama

Eva Bruhns is about to get engaged when she is asked to interpret at a trial of SS officers. Her parents and fiancé-to-be try to dissuade her, but she follows her instincts and accepts the job. She soon realizes that she has a more personal connection to the trial than she could have ever imagined.

Annette Hess


Katharina Stark
Katharina Stark
Eva Bruhns
Anke Engelke
Anke Engelke
Edith Bruhns
Hans-Jochen Wagner
Hans-Jochen Wagner
Ludwig Bruhns
Thomas Prenn
Thomas Prenn
Jürgen Schoormann
Ricarda Seifried
Ricarda Seifried
Annegret Bruhns