May 16, 2010
Mystery, Crime
Moscow opera Vasily Sharonov is a tough and uncompromising person. For these qualities, as well as for the cold look and stern expression on his face, his colleagues have long nicknamed him the Sheriff. Because of the difficult nature of the Sheriff, he was once kicked out by his wife, and now his teenage son is avoiding him. Because of his character, neither his subordinates nor his superiors like him.

Nikolai Dobrynin
Сергей Григорьевич Шаронов

Farhad Mahmudov
Заур Хетагуров

Denis Vasilev
Андрей Климчик

Polina Fokina
Тамара Ильинична Гурвиц

Andrey Kharybin
Стручников ("Михалыч")