Sweet Blue Flowers
July 2, 2009
Animation, Drama
Fumi Manjoume enters Kamakura's accelerated high school - Matsuoka All-Girls High School. While waiting at the Kamakura station on the day of her entrance ceremony, she runs into an old childhood friend whom she had not seen in 10 years: Akira Okudaira. As their friendship is rekindled and they start falling back into the rhythm of friends again, it starts a delicate love story...
Ai Takabe
Fumi Manjoume (voice)
Yuko Gibu
Akira Okudaira (voice)
Chiemi Ishimatsu
Yasuko Sugimoto (voice)
Yui Horie
Kyouko Ikumi (voice)
Sayuri Yahagi
Youko Hon'atsugi (voice)