July 3, 2011
Mystery, Animation, Drama, Comedy, Crime, Sci-Fi & Fantasy
A terminally ill girl named Himari Takakura is miraculously saved from death by a strange spirit who resides in a penguin-shaped hat. However, in exchange for extending her life, the spirit tasks Himari's brothers, Kanba and Shōma, to seek out an elusive item known as the Penguin Drum with assistance from a trio of strange penguins.
Subaru Kimura
Kanba Takakura (voice)
Ryohei Kimura
Shoma Takakura (voice)
Miho Arakawa
Himari Takakura (voice)
Marie Miyake
Ringo Oginome / Hikari Utada (voice)
Akira Ishida
Keiju Tabuki (voice)