Nora, Princess, and Stray Cat
July 1, 2017
Animation, Drama
Nora Handa is a high school boy who meets a girl named Patricia in a park who claims to be a princess of the underworld. Patricia and Nora accidentally kiss, and this act turns Nora into a black cat. Patricia takes Nora to her home, and a few days later Nora turns back into a human. However, Nora keeps turning into a cat and back into a human.
Natsumi Takamori
パトリシア・オブ・エンド (voice)
Takeaki Masuyama
井田 (voice)
Eri Sendai
黒木未知 (voice)
Yuu Asakawa
夕莉シャチ (voice)
Atsumi Tanezaki
明日原ユウキ (voice)