Aino Mating Agency Inc
July 28, 2017
Aino Hingo used to work as an associate professor of ethnology. He now works as the director of a matchmaking agency. His assistant is Sister Elizabeth. The high entrance fee at the matchmaking agency is two million yen, but the matchmaking agency has a 100% success rating for their clients getting married. They match customers based on the client's conditions. The secret behind their 100% marriage rate is Shingo Aino's counseling, relying on his knowledge in ethology.

Ikusaburo Yamazaki
Aino Shingo

Rin Takanashi
Hanako Inoda

Masaki Nakao
Adamu Makabe

Kotoko Yamaga
Tachibana Charlotte Mariko

Takeshi Kaga
Tsutsugi Kenichirou